Sunday, May 1, 2016

Greek Raspberry Smoothie vs. Juicing

Banana and raspberry smoothie (14114450783).jpg 

Juicing can be a nice refreshing way to drink some fruits and vegetables, but don't let it replace your smoothies. Juicing removes fiber and most people struggle to get the minimum daily fiber requirement (30g) as it is. Fiber helps reduce spikes in blood sugar, reduce blood cholesterol, and keeps you feeling fuller longer. Check out this yummy smoothie:

Greek Raspberry Smoothie

1/2 cup Chobani Greek Yogurt, Plain 0% Fat
1 Tablespoon Agave
1/2 cup Raspberries
1/4 cup Orange Juice (Start with 2 Tablespoons and increase to desired consistency)

Choose Greek yogurt over regular yogurt to boost the protein content. Choose Agave over refined sugar because it is a natural syrup with a relatively low Glycemic Index. Raspberries speak for themselves they are just delicious. Orange juice adds a little more sweet and thins this smoothie out, you can use almond milk or water if you want less sugar. If you want to boost the protein even more and add some beneficial fats you can add a tablespoon or two of hemp seeds.

Nutrition Facts:

Calories - 293
Carbohydrates - 50g
Fat - 0g
Protein - 11g
Fiber - 5g

Image Credit: By Charles Haynes from Hobart, Australia - Smoothie, CC BY-SA 2.0,

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