Friday, August 7, 2015

Benefits of Watering Your Garden with Pond Water

Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium get depleted from soil and need to be added back for optimal plant growth. For that reason they are the most common nutrients in fertilizers. Pond water is full of nitrogen in the form of nitrates, and phosphorous in the form of phosphates which is why your garden will love you for using pond water to water them. 

Not only is it great for your plants to water with pond water but your pond will be healthier and cleaner if you are regularly removing the "waste" water and adding back clean water. Some ponds with a lot of plants may not build up nitrates or phosphates because the plants in the pond are already removing them. A quick water test will tell you whether the nitrates are building and need to be removed. There is no other way to remove nitrates from a pond other than water changes and plants so using pond water in the garden solves two problems in one action. 

The other upside to choosing to water your garden with pond water is that it is an eco friendly and efficient way to enjoy two hobbies that use water without being wasteful.

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